I love Cabrinha!
My first post ever… I know that this site is not much to put in the christmas tree in this state, but bevare… My plan is to make this site into a site dedicated not only to kite surfers, but surfers who love to ride Cabrinha kites! Me myself has of course not tried every single kite brand out there, but a few… Cabrinha is by far the best kite brand I tried and simply love my cabrinhas. I have one crossbow and switchblade and will hopefully extend my collection with a nomad or a 2011 version later this year, I´ll keep you posted for sure!
Anyway, I´ll gather as much information about cabrinha kites as possible on this site and I hope that you as a visitor will leave this site somewhat clearer about benefits and drawback with different Cabrinhas kites.
Good wind!